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Our Vision

Children are our greatest asset for the future. The investment in their lives today brings innumerable benefits for tomorrow.


Now, more than ever, there is a need for our children to be educated with excellent, academic standard, and sound Christian Principles. The objective of Faith Christian Academy is to prepare students' spirit, soul and body so that they will become qualified to carry out God's plan for their lives. Since its inception in 1982, former graduates have pursued or are pursuing higher education programs in science, politics, medicine, and many other areas, while others are serving by ministering the Gospel.


We highly recommend Faith Christian Academy for your consideration. We are committed to excellence or nothing at all.


-Bishop Keith Butler and Pastor Deborah Butler

Our Leaders

Bishop Keith A. Butler is the Founder of Faith Christian Academy.  Bishop Butler has 45 years of ministry experience. January 14, 2021, marks his 42nd anniversary as Founder and Senior Pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center located in Southfield, Michigan.   Bishop Butler is charged with a special mandate from the Lord to establish Word-based churches and ministry schools around the globe.  


Faith Christian Academy is a part of the Master Plan God has given Bishop Butler and his wife, Pastor Deborah Butler.  The specific charge of FCA is to train strong and responsible scientists, politicians, attorneys, physicians, educators, entrepreneurs and ministers of the Gospel.  As a learning institution for children in grades K4 - 5th, we are dedicated to developing the full leadership potential of each student and preparing students spiritually, academically, physically and socially - that all may further the purpose of God in their lives.

Our Philosophy

Faith Christian Academy (FCA) is committed to the historic Christian perspective of life as set forth in the Bible, recognizing God as the Creator of all things, and Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of all who acknowledge Him as Lord.  We hold that the knowledge of God is the beginning of wisdom, that fellowship with God is the basis of true fellowship with others and that each student is uniquely created by God as a spiritual, physical, intellectual, social being, endowed with God-given talents.  Therefore, the aim of Christian school, functioning as an extension of the home, and under the sovereignty of God is to aid every student’s growth in understanding God and man; developing all of their capabilities to the highest degree in order that they may become mature and complete, living life to its fullest, and carrying out the Master’s plan.

Our Mission

Spiritual Growth

• To teach the Bible as our guide for daily living

• To encourage each student to come into a personal relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, Honoring Him as Lord and Savior and earnestly seeking to know the will of God

• To provide each child a clear understanding of God's Word which will permeate and integrated every area of life


Intellectual Growth

•To provide a versatile curriculum which will thoroughly prepare each student for their future educational endeavors
•To teach skills for effective comprehension, communication and computation
•To emphasize areas of study related to math, science and world affairs
•To stimulate creative and critical thinking and responsiveness to beauty in the arts and sciences
•To aid the students in recognizing every area of study as it relates to the revelation of God in creation and the Holy Scriptures


Social Growth

•To encourage an individual sense of personal worth as a special creation of God and a recipient of His love

•To foster the establishment of wholesome, personal relationships through an acceptance of one another in Christian love

•To help students practice good citizenship - recognizing and assuming responsibility for their community and their country


Physical Development

•To promote health, fitness, coordination and skillful use of the body

•To encourage good sportsmanship and citizenship


What Sets FCA Apart?

• Strong foundation in the Word of God

• Clear mission and goals

• High standards

• High expectations

• Creative teaching styles for the virtual student

• Structure and discipline in the virtual, learning environment

• Visible support and involvement of parents and teachers in school activities

• Ongoing system of acknowledging and rewarding scholastic and character excellence, i.e., virtual and onsite honor roll assemblies, spirit day assemblies, graduation and awards ceremonies

The FCA Commitment

It is the heartfelt desire of the entire FCA staff that all students reach their full potential in our caring environment, successfully completing our program and going on to top-rated middle schools, high schools and universities.


With FCA, you receive our:


• Commitment to God

• Commitment to excellence

• Commitment to achievement

• Commitment to demonstrating God’s love

School Supply


Pastor MiChelle Butler
Word of Faith International Christian Center

“I was extremely prepared for high school and college for that matter. I remember that it was actually a slight problem for me for a while because I became bored my freshman year of high school considering my educational level was so far beyond my peers. In some classes, I was actually moved up a grade.  Also, I was not shocked at all by the workload and commitment that came along with high school.  Unlike many of my peers, I had learned study skills and time management in elementary and middle school at FCA.  Therefore, while everyone else was trying to figure out how to manage the work, especially in college, I sailed right through.


FCA devotions also helped me to understand the Word and relate to my life at a young age.  I never thought that the Bible was confusing because at four years old, FCA had me applying memory verses to my own little life and my classmates.  Now I teach others how to do that over the pulpit…talk about early preparation.”

© 2023 Faith Christian Academy

Tel: 248-354-8025


20000 W. Nine Mile

Southfield, MI 48075

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